The Bible contains the mind of God, the condition of man, the way of salvation, the conviction of the guilty, and the happiness of Christians.
Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are fair, their stories true and its decisions immutable.
Read it to be wise,
Believe it to be safe and
Play it to be holy.
It contains light to direct it, feed it and to support him/it consolation it will encourage him it.
It is the map of the traveler, the staff of the pilgrim, the compass of the pilot, the sword of the soldier and guide for Christian.
For the paradise it is restored, the heavens opened and the gates of hell discoveries.
Christ is its great theme,
Our well your intent and
The glory of God its his end.
It must fill the mind,
Governing the heart and
Steer feet.
Read-a slow and often in prayer.
It is a mine of wealth,
A paradise of glory and
A river of pleasure.
It is given in life,
It will be open on the day of judgement and
Remember forever.
It involves the highest responsibility, reward the most hard labor and to condemn all those who downplay their sacred content. END.
(a.) Wagner Cipriano
QUESTIONS? You plows receiving information useful to understanding the team in which we live and which clearly predates the Rapture of the Church and the manifestation of his government antichrist world. We will wake up!!! Let's wake!
- If you need some explanation or has an interest in any specific theme, we are at your disposal.
DONATE: You can collaborate propagate these messages. Promote them, nail them, print them and distribute them among the members of his church, friends and family. The time is now.
- You can collaborate propagate these messages: disclose them, nail them, print them and distribute them among the members of his church, friends and family. The hour is now. The time is now.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Rapture is at the gates! Are you prepared? Are you ready?? His lamp is lit? Does You plow seeing compliance with the biblical prophesies in the midst of darkness in which humanity i? Do not get left behind!
If you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but living a spiritual life warm, precise ask forgiveness and renew their commitments. He immediately forgive and will fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit of God. Then you need to start a daily life of communion with prayer and Bible study.
If you ever put your trust in Jesus Christ as Savior, but felt that it is real and that the end of time is near, and want to receive the Free Gift of Life Eternal, can do this now, in the privacy of his home. After trust Jesus Christ as your Savior, you born again spiritually and replaced by the certainty of eternal life in heaven, as we were already there. Thus, you can be sure that the Kingdom of the Antichrist not sound spiritually.
What this ministry is a blessing in his life.
"I counsel you to eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see. ", Ap. 3,20. May God bless.
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