Translation of the version in portuguese of Brazil
In their two thousand years of existence Jesus Christ's church has been overcoming all of the combat types and it arrives at the century 21 needing an urgent despertamento. At the same time we know that a specific prophecy notices us for another imminent danger, that it will characterize the moments previous to the Ecstasy: the final apostasy. Now,
Starting from 1994, we accompanied the birth of a new Christian type: the ecumenical evangelical Christian. Ecumenical because
it accepted the false doctrine that all of the men owe if it unites in only one religion, leaving of the false premise that all of the religions look for same God. It is true that many look for a god, but no specifically true God of the Sacred Deeds. The Bible teaches that there is only one true God: This is true God and the eternal life, Jesus Christ, 1º John, 5:20. However, Jesus Christ is not God looked for by all of the men and it will never belong true God for all to the men. The god of the Philistines was not same God of Israel. That is an unanswerable fact. It is as accepting that wood is stone or that water is petroleum. To accept that is as to sign the own ignorance diploma and to deny everything that the Bible teaches us and he/she notices. Knowing that, how to hug a movement that God never approved. Why was it accepted then? Because they were living in deep spiritual sleep. That ecumenical union was drawn to drive the masses to the new world religion: the religion of the new was. And his/her false Messiah: the antichrist. It is from behind that the veiled purpose of the ecumenism: only one world religion, being her, his/her building, the queen of the religions. However, when if they consummate their plans and it be proclaimed" queen" of all of the religions of the earth, he/she will come true the sentence of Apocalypse: Therefore, in one day their curses, the death, and the weeping, and the hunger will come; and it will be burned in the fire; because it is strong Mr. God that judges her. because he/she says in his/her heart: I am seated as queen, and I am not widow, and I won't see the weeping, Revelation 18:8 and 18:7.
It is not difficult to notice that the ecumenism identifies with the purposes of UN and vein to supplant the differences among religions and to drive them to a single world religion. However, the Bible notices us that a world religion will appear at the end of the times and that the antichrist will be his/her "god" and also the ruler of the global community.
Read the news transmitted in the site
(City of Vatican, 15 fev 2008(RV) - THE leader of Italian Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, proposed the creation of a" Organization of the United Religions", with headquarters in Rome, and it assured that the idea pleased the general secretary of UN a lot, Ban Ki-moon, and to the it eats Bento XVI.
Veltroni explained that his/her idea consists of the creation of a" palace of the religions" in Rome, as the one of the headquarters of UN in New York, in which representatives of all of the confessions of the world can meet and to dialogue. The political leader assured that it already proposed his/her initiative, entitled" United Religions" (United Religions) so much to Bento XVI as to the general secretary of UN.
Veltroni announced the proposal during a collective of press for his/her farewell as mayor of Rome, because it begins his/her electoral campaign as candidate, of new Democratic Party, to premier position, in the elections of April 13.
Do you get to see the human articulations giving execution to the prophecies of Apocalypse: world only religion, only government, only king: the antichrist?
Do you get to notice now how True God is being put outside of the evangelical religious institutions? Is he/she aware that you/they will be transformed in simple places of social coexistence, stage of shows and arm of UN? And that you/they will be vomited of the mouth of True God? Is it left for the Great Tribulation? It will be that the divine answer to the human attempt of organizing the world, despising and ignoring the established plans for God.
Want God that, at once, their eyes open up, his/her lamp is ascended and you are truly free from whole the mistake that fell on Jesus' Church in the century 21 and be part of those that won't be back in the ECSTASY, the Rapture of the Church.
To understand each other and to agree with that message, you can already sing the hymn: free I am, free I am, for Jesus' Grace, free I am...
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